
The Wake Forest University Law Library is a dynamic learning center dedicated to serving the needs of today’s student. The Library provides in-depth resources for research and study. Located in the center wing of the Worrell Professional Center, the library serves as a focal point for interaction between students and faculty. Students can use many of the information resources that they will encounter in their professional careers.
Library access and services
The Wake Forest University Law Library is a private academic library that exists to support the educational and research needs of the faculty, students and staff of the School of Law. Secondarily, it is intended for the use of other members of the Wake Forest University community. For information regarding Circulation of materials, please inquire at the Service Desk. More Information for Attorneys and Wake Forest Alumni.
Use of the library by members of the general public is limited to the U.S. Government Documents, as part of our responsibilities as a selective U.S. Federal Depository library. Materials in the library’s documents collections generally do not circulate.
The library staff is not available for legal advice or legal service to anyone. If you require legal assistance, please contact the North Carolina Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service for referrals online: NC Find-a-Lawyer
Any person entering the library may be asked to show proper identification in order to use the library.