Professional reference librarians are available to assist faculty and students with research, online searching, questions about the collection and interlibrary loan. The reference desk is located to the right of the main entrance to the Library.

Reference assistance is available for the following hours during the academic year:

Monday through Friday
Saturday & Sunday

9 am to 5 pm
Varies or by appointment

Reference help is also available via email during the above hours at: To help students with legal research the reference librarians have prepared ResearchGuides with links to important sites and online services.

Students working on seminar papers, certification papers, or journal notes are especially welcome to make an appointment for a research consultation with a reference librarian. The reference librarians can help you develop a research strategy for a successful research paper experience.

Reference librarians also organize research and database training for students throughout the year.

Wake Forest law students have access and borrowing privileges at all of the Wake Forest University libraries.